We all know we shouldn't judge a book by its cover, that beauty is more than skin deep

Nick Veasey is a British photographer known for his unique and captivating X-ray images. Born in London in 1962, Veasey initially worked in the advertising and design industries, as well as conventional still photography. His journey into X-ray imaging began when he was asked to X-ray a cola can for a television show, and he decided to experiment further by X-raying objects around him, including his own shoes.


Veasey's X-ray images, sometimes combined with digital manipulation using Photoshop, have gained widespread recognition. His work has been featured in international advertising campaigns and has adorned various products and packaging, including Adobe's Creative Suite livery and Lenor/Downy fabric conditioner.


In 2008, Veasey released his first collection of images titled "X-ray: See Through The World Around You," which showcases his 13 years of experimentation with X-ray imaging and equipment. The book offers a visually stunning insight into the hidden beauty and intricate structures of everyday objects.


Throughout his career, Veasey has received numerous awards in photography and design, including the IPA Lucie Awards, AOP, Graphis, Communication Arts, Applied Arts, and PX3. He has also been nominated for the IPA Lucie International Photographer of the Year in 2008.


One of Veasey's notable claims is his realization of what he believed to be the largest X-ray image to date: a life-size X-ray of a Boeing 777 jet, which was displayed at Logan Airport in Boston. However, it's worth noting that this particular image was later debunked as not being an authentic X-ray in 2009.

Nick Veasey continues to push the boundaries of X-ray photography, capturing mesmerizing and thought-provoking images that invite viewers to see the world from a unique perspective. He currently resides near Maidstone, England.