1. "The Art of Rebellion IV: Masterpieces of Urban Art" by Christian Hundertmark: This book features a collection of contemporary urban art, including works by Tristan Eaton and other prominent street artists. It offers a visual showcase of Eaton's art within the broader context of urban art culture.

  2. "The Street Art Book: 60 Artists in their Own Words" by Ric Blackshaw: This publication explores the stories and motivations behind the works of various street artists, including Tristan Eaton. It provides firsthand accounts and interviews, shedding light on Eaton's artistic journey and creative process.

  3. Art magazines and journals: Look for articles and features on Tristan Eaton in art publications and magazines such as Juxtapoz, Hi-Fructose, and Beautiful Bizarre. These publications often highlight emerging and established artists, providing in-depth discussions and visual documentation of their work.

  4. Exhibition catalogs: If Tristan Eaton has participated in solo or group exhibitions, catalogs may have been published to accompany these shows. These catalogs typically include images of his artwork, curatorial essays, and additional insights into his artistic practice.

  5. Online platforms and websites: Explore Tristan Eaton's official website, social media accounts, and online art platforms that showcase his work. These platforms often provide information about his exhibitions, collaborations, and ongoing projects.